Schedule your free coaching consultation.

In your Free Consultation, we’ll cover:

  1. Your fitness history — what you liked, what you didn’t; what worked, what didn’t

  2. Your fitness goals and your coaching availability

  3. How your fitness goals fit into your life goals

  4. Your sleep, nutrition, and screen habits

  5. Social pressures you experience around wellness, fitness, food, and health

  6. Scheduling obstacles and advantages

  7. Mindset and meditation

  8. Cold and heat exposure

  9. Mobility, movement, and activity patterns

  10. Movement goals, lifestyle goals, and preferred sources of motivation

It’s totally free, and there’s no pressure to sign up. It’s just a 15-minute Zoom call to see whether you like me, I like you, and we both feel like we can have fun, and get results, working out together.